Thursday, 16 October 2008

Wednesday 8th October 2008

With the bike back in one piece and raring to go I met the others at the junction of Dunstable St and Arthur St, Blox and Carbon Paul were already there and from the end of their conversation it became apparent that Xmassy was still recovering from his latest bout of man flu!
Another set of lights approached up Arthur St and Neil rolled up to join us. Keen to get going the four of us set off to follow the normal route, as we joined Woburn St by the rugby club, Blox and I in the front became aware that there was no longer two bikes behind us but three! Richard had managed to catch us, after being late and assuming we had gone! The rest of the ride was the usual blast through the woods, haul up the field, splash through the stream, tear along the farm track, drag down the road, bit of fun in the woods before getting stuck in the mud by the motorway bridge, last climb up the field into Steppingley and the final road race back up the bypass to Station Road and a refreshing pint or three in the Engine.
Yet another Wednesday safely under the ever decreasing belt.

1 comment:

Neil said...

Im up for it but I definately will not be staying in a tent in February.